Handover with Buffering for Distributed Mobility Management in Software Defined Mobile Networks

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Battulga Davaasambuu


handover, Long Term Evolution, Software Defined Networking, DMM


The rapidly-growing number of mobile subscribers has led to the creation of a large number of signalling messages. This makes it difficult to efficiently handle the mobility of subscribers in mobile cellular networks. The long-term evolution (LTE) architecture provides software-defined networking (SDN) to meet the requirements of 5G networks and to forward massive mobile data traffic. The SDN solution proposes separation of the control and data planes of a network. Centralized mobility management (CMM) is widely used in current mobile network technologies, such as 4G networks. One of the problems related to CMM is a single point of failure. To solve the problems of CMM and in order to provide for efficient mobility management, IETF has developed a solution called distributed mobility management (DMM), in which mobility is handled via the nearest mobility anchor. In this paper, we propose a DMM solution with handover operations for SDN-enabled mobile networks. The advantage of the proposed solution is that intra and inter handover procedures are defined with the data buffering and forwarding processes between base stations and mobility anchors. We adopt a simulation model to evaluate and compare the proposed solution with the existing solution in terms of handover latency, packet loss and handover failures.


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