Elizabeth (Liz) Dyneley Fell, 1940-2020 The distinguished journalist whose interviews covered major changes in the Australian telecommunications industry

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Peter Gerrand https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1732-0380


Liz Fell, Australian telecommunications, Australian journalism, Telecommunications Journal of Australia, TelSoc


Liz Fell (7 March 1940 to 13 August 2020), a freelance journalist, was elected a Distinguished Fellow of the Telecommunication Society of Australia in 2003 for her notable and enduring contributions to Australian telecommunications. Amongst others, she carried out brilliant interviews over twenty years (1994-2013) for the Telecommunications Journal of Australia. This article celebrates her notable contributions to Australian telecommunications, and includes references to two of her most famous interviews, with Malcolm Turnbull MP in 2011 and with the Hon. James (Jim) Spigelman AC, Chairman of the ABC, in 2013.


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About the ABC. (2013). From political activist to public intellectual. 8 August. https://about.abc.net.au/speeches/from-political-activist-to-public-intellectual/
Bacon, W. (2020). Fearless activist, journalist and teacher influenced many, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August. Available at https://www.smh.com.au/national/fearless-activist-journalist-and-teacher-influenced-many-20200825-p55p3f.html
Fell, L. (2013). From political activist to public intellectual: Interview with ABC Chairman, Jim Spigelman. Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 63(1), 2.1-2.9. https://telsoc.org/journal/tja-v63-n1/a420
Moorhead, S. (2020). Malcolm Turnbull: A Feisty Interview with the Shadow Minister, Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 8(3), 5-17. http://doi.org/10.18080/jtde.v8n3.354
New Distinguished Fellows of the Telecommunication Society of Australia. (2003). Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 53(2), 65-66.

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