Net Neutrality in the U.S. – 2015

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Robert Larribeau


Telecommunications, Internet, Regulation, Net Neutrality


A U.S. Federal Court ruling in January 2014 overturned Net Neutrality rules issued in 2010 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the body that regulates both the telecommunications and the cable industries in the U.S.  This sparked significant support for establishing new rules to provide Net Neutrality and resulted in the submission of more than one million comments to the FCC, which broke all records.  This led to the FCC adopting new Net Neutrality rules in February 2015.  The FCC followed President Barack Obama’s lead and classified the broadband operators as common carriers, which will require that they treat all of their customers and all content providers equally.  As common carriers the broadband operators will not be able to favour one content provider over another or favour their own content services.  It is very likely that these new rules will not settle the issue and will be challenged in Congress and in the courts. The Net Neutrality controversy will continue.


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Cisco. 2015. Cisco measures Internet traffic with its Visual Networking Index (VNI) and forecasts that IP video will be 79% of all IP traffic in 2018, up from 66% in 2013.

FCC. 2010. Preserving the Open Internet, FCC GN Docket No. 09-191. Available at:

FCC.2015. FCC Adopts Strong, Sustainable Rules to Protect the Open Internet. Available at:

Gigaom. 2015. “Netflix won’t count against iiNet broadband caps in Australia”. 02 March, 2015. Available at:

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Washington Post. 2015. “Netflix tries to explain its apparent sudden flip-flop on net neutrality" Washington Post, 04 March, 2015. Available at: