Low Earth Orbit Satellite Systems Comparisons with Geostationary and Other Satellite Systems, and their Significant Advantages

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Ruth Pritchard-Kelly
John Costa


Geostationary Satellite, Non-Geostationary Satellite, Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit, Intersatellite Link


Satellites have been around for many decades, yet the low Earth orbit (LEO) was avoided as the cost exceeded the demand until recently. This paper is based on a live presentation to the Australian Telecommunications Association (TelSoc) by Ruth Pritchard-Kelly, Senior Advisor on Regulatory Affairs for OneWeb, and was chaired by TelSoc Broadband Futures Group member, John Costa. This paper describes the new generation of LEO satellites, how they substantially differ from earlier satellites, and the factors now making them not only viable but increasingly indispensable as part of a global communication ecosystem. The paper then introduces OneWeb’s specific LEO plans, including details about deployment in Australia.


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