Impact of Technology-Evoked Mental Imagery on Brand Personality and Brand Association for Beauty Brands among Women in India

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Krupa Miriam Cherian
Simmy Kurian
Hareesh N Ramanathan


Mental imagery, female brand personality, brand association, augmented reality


The increased dependence of customers on smart technology for convenience has motivated marketers to turn to new-age technologies for the representation of products and promotion of brands. This study analyses the influence of mental imagery generated by augmented reality on brand personality and brand association for skincare/cosmetics products among women in India. The cross-sectional study collected data through the mall intercept method. The significance of this study is the usage of real brands and gathering real experiences towards mental imagery evoked using virtual try-on links. The originality of the brands and the experience of the respondents could create a realistic relationship between the constructs under study and avoid the researcher’s bias. Path analysis was performed to analyse the statistics and the data fit with the proposed model through IBM AMOS 22.0 software. The findings showcase that elaboration dimension of mental imagery has a significant relationship with brand personality and brand association. However, the quality dimension of mental imagery did not have a significant relationship with brand personality and brand association. The findings contribute to the existing literature on branding and information processing and provide significant insights for marketers when adopting augmented reality to create brand-evoked mental imagery among customers.



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