George Edward Hams AM (1928–2023) A leader amongst Australian telecommunications engineers

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Steve Black


George Hams, obituaries, history of Australian telecommunications, Collingwood Football Club, ITU


George Edward Hams AM (29 July 1928–2 February 2023) was a much respected engineer, international telecommunications adviser and leader in the field of telecommunications. In 1990 these achievements were acknowledged with the award of Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for public service “particularly in the field of telecommunications”. George also had a significant presence in community activities and served on Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Boards for 10 years. As a young man, George was a 1953 Premiership player in the Victorian Football League for the Collingwood Football Club, where he played 108 games. He was a devout man with a strong sense of fairness and Christian faith.


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‘Vale George Hams, AM’. (2023). Collingwood Football Club.