The Shape and Implications of Korea’s Telecommunication Industry: Crisis, Opportunity and Challenge

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Gwangjae Kim


Korean telecommunication industry and its history, Telecommunication Company, law and regulation, stakeholders within telecommunication market, strategic move for the future


This article aims to provide readers with a better understanding of the telecommunication industry in Korea by reviewing its development and progress. Firstly, a brief history of Korean telecommunications is supplemented by an overview of the social and economic factors the Korea is experiencing. Secondly, this paper focuses on the government’s role as a key player within an industry and relevant policy is then analysed. Thirdly, an analysis of the market competition and regulation systems, as well as customer protections, is conducted. Finally, IoT and 5G as technologies are introduced as well as new services that Korea is currently focusing on, to enable it to continue leading the global market into the future. The 3 key themes that emerge through this paper are a crisis, opportunity, and challenge.


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