Customer Churn Prediction through Attribute Selection Analysis and Support Vector Machine

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Jia Yi Vivian Quek
Ying Han Pang
Zheng You Lim
Shih Yin Ooi
Wee How Khoh


Churn Prediction, Attribute Selection, Machine Learning, Filter Methods, Support Vector Machine


An accurate customer churn prediction could alert businesses about potential churn customers so that proactive actions can be taken to retain the customers. Predicting churn may not be easy, especially with the increasing database sample size. Hence, attribute selection is vital in machine learning to comprehend complex attributes and identify essential variables. In this paper, a customer churn prediction model is proposed based on attribute selection analysis and Support Vector Machine. The proposed model improves churn prediction performance with reduced feature dimensions by identifying the most significant attributes of customer data. Firstly, exploratory data analysis and data preprocessing are performed to understand the data and preprocess it to improve the data quality. Next, two filter-based attribute selection techniques, i.e., Chi-squared and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), are applied to the pre-processed data to select relevant features. Then, the selected features are input into a Support Vector Machine for classification. A real-world telecom database is used for model assessment. The empirical results demonstrate that ANOVA outperforms the Chi-squared filter in attribute selection. Furthermore, the results also show that, with merely ~50% of the features, feature selection based on ANOVA exhibits better performance compared to full feature set utilization.


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