Value Co-creation in a Digitalised and Dematerialised World Critical Factors Contributing to Success or Failure of Business Models in Value Networks

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Philipp Herrmann
Tim Hädicke
Friedrich Hoge


business model, value network, systematic literature review, success factors, failure factors


Due to increased digitalisation and dematerialisation, the traditional value chain concept appears to be outdated. Instead, the term value network has emerged to describe how organisations co-create value in today’s economy. However, it remains unclear what contributes to success or failure of collaborative business models in value networks. The article closes this research gap. The authors identify relevant papers through a systematic literature review process and review them using qualitative content analysis. From the 45 papers analysed, 21 critical factors contributing to success or failure of business models in value networks were extracted. They can be structured along 6 dimensions. From a theoretical perspective, the article deepens the understanding of business models in value networks and provides clear perspectives for future research. From a practical perspective, managers can use the results as target variables for strategic management to ensure success of their value network.



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