Considering Company Size, Level of Responsibility, and Employee Age for Analysing Countermeasures against Barriers to Digital Transformation

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Sven Packmohr
Fynn-Hendrik Paul
Henning Brink


Digital Transformation, Barriers, Countermeasures, Socio-Demographic Analysis


Digital Transformation (DT) is gaining traction across all industries. Also, it impacts other sectors, such as non-profit and higher education. DT emerges when connectivity technologies merge with physical assets, potentially affecting value-generating processes and value propositions. These changes will improve effectiveness, business models, and customer relationships. However, firms confront several barriers when they embark on their DT journey. Thus, it is essential to understand how the barriers can be tackled by countermeasures. Understanding the qualities of these countermeasures is critical for businesses to overcome barriers. Thus, this current study searches for similarities and differences across socio-demographic categories representing company size (LE, MLE, SME), level of responsibility (executive, with and without personal responsibility), and age (under 30, 31-40, 41-50, above 50). Data from online surveys revealed 1171 participants’ statements. These were used to extract four dimensions and 39 countermeasures. The most prominent countermeasure dimensions are Human and Organisation. The most prominent countermeasures relate to the education of employees in the form of demand-oriented training and benefits and needs of DT. This research adds to identifying similarities across categories and paves the way for greater generalizability of countermeasures.



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