Blockchain Technology Adoption Through the UTAUT Model Exploring the Mediating Role of Trust in Technology

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Leila Ennajeh
Tharwa Najjar


Blockchain Technology, UTAUT, behavioural intention, adoption factors, trust in technology


This paper studies the adoption of blockchain technology under the scope of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Previous results on Management Information Systems (MIS) research are divergent about the significance of UTAUT variables in explaining the adoption behaviour of blockchain technology. The paper focuses on this specific concern and tries to contribute to existing studies by testing the model in a specific context (Tunisia) and by considering the individual variable “trust in technology” as a mediating one. For this aim, a structural equation approach is adopted among 95 Tunisian professional respondents operating in technology-based sectors. The findings stipulate the importance of facilitating conditions and performance expectancy as drivers of the adoption intention. Additionally, the study reveals that trust in technology is significant in its mediating role in influencing the intention of adoption with the facilitating conditions and the social influence constructs. Moreover, the paper uncovers a direct relationship with the same variable. These findings provide valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners in understanding the factors that influence blockchain technology adoption in the Tunisian context and stress the indirect role of trust in technology with which decision-makers should be concerned.



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