Influence of ICT and Household Assets in the Penetration of Digital Economy in Mexico An Empirical Analysis

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Javier G. Rodríguez Ruiz
Carmen E. Rodríguez Armenta
Eduardo G. Rosas González


Digital Economy, Quantile regression, Probit, Household ICT wealth index, ENDUTIH


The objective of this study is to validate the progress in the penetration of the digital economy in Mexico, between 2018 and 2022, from a composite index of household wealth based on microdata from a national telecommunications survey. An index of economic situation at the household level allowed us to measure that economic inequality persists between poor and rich households. Also, probabilistic regression models were used to validate the relationship between household wealth and digital economy participation. The models showed the gap remained practically at the same level between the two years; 26% in favour of the richest households. Educational level, age and experience in using the Internet were confirmed as the main differentiators in the condition of participation in the digital economy. The lack of progress observed in this research raises alarm bells about the lag of the poorest households in the productive use of the Internet and in the scope of its potential benefits. The digital issue should be included in the national political agenda, due to its scope in social, economic and social cohesion terms, along with other national problems, such as poverty, employment or well-being.




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