Rebalancing Regulation in an Era of Distrust Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and Developing Consumer Regulation

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Cynthia Gebert


Telecommunications regulation, Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, Ombudsman, Digital Platforms


On Thursday, 21 September 2023, TelSoc hosted an online event to discuss a number of important developments involving the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO). The first development was the continuing reduction in the number of complaints by consumers about the services provided by telecommunications operators.

The second development is that the TIO has called for a different model – direct regulation – to be adopted for regulation in the sector where it impacts consumers. This call has occurred at a time when the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code is progressing through the approval stages. Over the past twenty-five years in Australia, the preferred approach to the development of industry codes of practice has been largely by the industry, with subsequent regulatory adoption by the ACMA. Is this model serving Australia well in the current environment?



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