An Evaluation and Enhancement of a Novel IoT Joining Protocol

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Tyler Nicholas Edward Steane
PJ Radcliffe


Internet of Things, IoT, home automation, smart home, distributed discovery protocol


The ability to securely join IoT Devices to Wi-Fi networks is an on-going area of research. This paper describes how Nasrin & Radcliffe's theoretical “novel minimalist IoT network joining protocol” has been mapped to real world hardware and implemented using the Android operating system. For the first time the theory is proven to be practically viable but it is also shown that the user interface is not sufficiently simple for the everyday user. This paper proposes and implements a new user interface paradigm that dramatically simplifies the process and makes the joining process accessible to a much larger range of users.  For intensely cost sensitive applications an alternative process is proposed that has the possibility of even further simplifying the user experience. Finally the compatibility of the protocol with a  variety of operating systems is assessed.


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